Wednesday 11 July 2012

alcohol bad for health

Drinking alcohol imoderation is not bad for people. To the contrary, drinking in moderation is associated with better health and greater longevity than is abstaining.
However, abusing alcohol can be bad for people.

There are several health risks associated with drinking too much alcohol. These include anxiety, sexual difficulties such as impotence, slowed breathing and heartbeat, impaired judgment leading to accidents and injuries, loss of consciousness, suffocation through choking on your own vomit and potentially fatal alcohol poisoning. Drinking heavily also increases your calorie intake, and it is frequently associated with obesity. There are 125 calories in a medium-sized (175ml) glass of wine and over 500 in a bottle, the same as in a large hamburger! Alcohol irritates the stomach, so heavy drinking can cause sickness and nausea and sometimes diarrhoea. '''Alcohol also has a dehydrating effect, which is why excessive drinking can lead to a thumping headache the morning after. ''' Being hungover is not a beauty aid. It dries out your skin, and if you drink heavily you may develop rosacea, a skin disorder that starts with a tendency to blush and flush easily and can progress to facial disfigurment, a condition known as rhinophyma. Alcohol is a depressant, not a stimulant. You may wonder what you did the night before, feel guilty or low.

Physical Effects: Liver disease has traditionally affected drinkers in middle age, but now sufferers are getting younger. Up to one in three of the adult population is drinking enough alcohol to create a risk of developing alcohol-related liver disease....."

In excess, it can be bad for you. For example, being in charge of a vehicle whilst over the legal alcohol limit can lead to hefty fines, disqualification from driving, loss of employment, imprisonment and death.

Monday 9 July 2012

Top 10 Dangers of Alcohol Abuse

Alcohol drinking
Many people may know the immediate dangers of drinking alcohol, such as the next-day hangovers or the embarrassing episodes. But the more people drink the more they endanger themselves and others around them. There are many problems created by alcohol abusers. Some of them are dangerous. Other problems are menacing to friends and family. There are also alcohol abuse dangers that are fatal.

Drinking and Driving

It does not take much to be legally drunk behind the wheel. But the more you drink the worse your impairment, according to the SAMHSA National Clearinghouse for Alcohol & Drug Information. Drinking and driving can lead to death and a lifetime of misery for families.

Mixing Alcohol and Medicine

Alcohol can make you feel drowsy or lightheaded and this intensifies those same effects in many medications, the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism warns. It can be life-threatening when doing mechanical work, driving or engaging in everyday activities. Your ability to concentrate will be greatly diminished.

Domestic Violence

Drinking can cause friction at home, leading to arguments and fights. Violence and even death can result. Alcohol abuse is often a major factor in spousal and child abuse.

Liver Damage

Alcoholic liver disease can occur after long-term heavy drinking. It can lead to cirrhosis of the liver and eventual death. Cirrhosis is not reversible.

Immune Deficiencies

Heavy alcohol drinking weakens the immune system. This not only leads to many illnesses, but it can also interfere with the body's ability to fight off disease.


The risks of cancers of the esophagus, mouth and throat increase with heavy drinking. Breast cancer can develop in women who drink daily. Cancers of the colon and liver have also been linked to heavy drinking.

Heart Disease

High blood pressure often results from drinking and can lead to heart disease and stroke. Alcohol abusers often experience heart palpitations and other heart problems during and after drinking.


Inflammation of the pancreas may occur following long-term, heavy drinking. Pancreatitis can interfere with the body's ability to regulate blood sugar levels, leading to abdominal pain and even death.

Birth Defects

Behavioral and learning difficulties can result from fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) because of women who drink while they are pregnant. Infants may also be born with birth defects. The U.S. Surgeon General has warned pregnant women and women who may become pregnant to abstain from drinking alcohol.

Alcohol Withdrawal

Sudden withdrawal from alcohol in attempt to quit drinking can cause the body to go through detoxification, causing anxiety, tremors, hallucinations and convulsions. It is good for alcohol abusers to quit, but they should go through the detoxification process in a medical treatment facility to help the body adjust and recover.

Sunday 8 July 2012

List of Diseases Associated With Alcoholism

List of Diseases Associated With Alcoholism :

Alcohol – should you drink it for your heart health?

Maybe, there is valid evidence that alcohol offers some cardiovascular protective effects when consumed in moderation - Moderate drinkers may well live a little longer and a little better from a glass of wine or two most nights.

But leaving moderation behind, few drugs devastate as systematically as alcohol when abused in large doses and over a long period of time. Here is a partial list of diseases and other medical conditions that are associated with the abuse of alcohol. These list items are taken from a document produced by SAMHSA for medical professionals.

Alcohol…Does a Body Good?
Alcohol's effects on different systems or areas of the body
Increased rates of tongue, lip, larynx, stomach, colon, breast, liver, bile duct and esophagus cancers.
The Reproductive System
Impotence, sexual dysfunction, infertility, gynecomastia, testicular atrophy, osteophenia
The Endocrine System
Diabetes, ketoacidosis, gout
The Cardiovascular System
High blood pressure, heart disease, artery disease, sudden heart failure, heart attack
The LiverFatty liver, alcoholic hepatitis, cirrhosis
The Blood
Anemia(s), marrow toxicity, an iron or folate deficiency, leucopenia
Increased Risks of Infection
Hep C, HIV, tuberculosis, meningitis, STD's, pneumonia
Pancreatitis, gastritis, diarrhea (chronic) esophagatitis, colitis, acid reflux, parotid enlargement
The Brain
Seizure, Korsakof's syndrome, Wernicke's Syndrome, dementia, brain shrinkage, stroke, subdural hematoma, hemorrhage, neuropathy
Malnutrition from vitamin and mineral deficiencies
Only a Partial List
This is a very partial list (I left out any conditions or disorders that I had never heard of, which was more than half of all listed) but I think that even this partial list illustrates the damage that chronic alcohol abuse does.

So, a drink or two a day may do your heart good, but more than a few drinks a day greatly increases your risks of disease and death. You delude yourself if you accredit your heavy drinking to health preservation.

Thursday 5 July 2012

Liver diseases

 Alcoholic liver disease, which arises from the overconsumption of alcohol, is the main cause of liver disease in Western nations. Viral hepatitis continues to be the major cause of liver disease in Asian countries, and several others. Experts say a considerable number of heavy, regular drinkers never develop liver damage - they do not fully understand why this is so and how exactly alcohol damages the liver.

We know that acetaldehyde damages the liver. Acetaldehyde is a toxic chemical produced by alcohol. It seems to affect some regular heavy drinkers' livers more severely than others. It takes a long time for any liver damage to become noticeable. The liver is amazingly good at regenerating and repairing itself. Even if three-quarters of a patient's liver is damaged, it is able to continue to function virtually normally.

Eventually, long-term heavy drinking takes its toll, resulting in liver scarring - cirrhosis or end-stage alcoholic liver disease.

The following factors increase the risk of developing alcoholic liver disease:

  •     Beer and liquor (spirits), compared to other alcoholic beverages
  •     Sex - women metabolize alcohol more slowly than men, and are thus more susceptible to developing the disease
  •     Hepatitis C. Regular drinkers who have had any type of hepatitis have a greater risk of developing the disease
  •     Changes in the genetic profiles of some enzymes which are key to alcohol metabolism, such as         ADH, ALDH, CYP4502E1
  •     Malnutrition
  •     Some vitamin deficiencies, such as a lack of vitamins E and A
  •     Diet - many alcoholics eat poorly
  •     Iron overload 

After the brain, the liver is the most complex organ in the human body, with over 500 functions. Some examples of liver functions include:

  •     Fighting infection and disease
  •     Filtering out blood toxins
  •     Manufacturing hormones, proteins and other vital chemicals
  •     Regulating our levels of blood cholesterol
  •     Storing energy

Alcoholic liver disease has three main stages:

  •     Alcoholic fatty liver disease - heavy drinking can result in an accumulation of fatty acids in the liver. Sometimes, the heavy drinking need only have occurred daily over a period of than less than a week. This usually asymptomatic (no symptoms) stage is reversible if the individual abstains from alcohol for a couple of weeks.

    If the accumulation of fatty acids in the liver is severe, the patient may experience weakness, nausea, abdominal pain, loss of appetite, and malaise (generally feeling unwell).

  •     Alcoholic hepatitis - hepatitis means inflammation (swelling) of the liver from any cause. In this case it means swelling because of alcohol. After many years of heavy drinking the liver can swell. In rarer occasions alcoholic hepatitis can affect individuals involved in binge drinking - heavy drinking over a relatively short period. If the patient abstains from alcohol for some months, alcoholic hepatitis is usually reversible. In some cases abstention has to go on for years.

    Symptoms may include pain or tenderness in the abdomen, jaundice (yellowing of skin and whites of the eyes), spider-like veins appear on the skin, general tiredness, fever, nausea and loss of appetite.
  •     Cirrhosis - the liver has been inflamed for a long time, causing scarring and loss of function. This can be a life-threatening condition. Cirrhosis damage is irreversible and the best the patient can do is prevent any further damage by stopping drinking. A long period of abstention will improve liver function. If the damage is severe, the patient may need a liver transplant to survive.

    During the early stage the patient will feel tired and weak, their palms may be blotchy and red, they lose more weight, have itchy skin, insomnia, abdominal pain and/or tenderness, and loss of appetite.

    During what is termed the end stage there will be hair loss, jaundice, dark urine, black or pale stools, dizziness, fatigue, loss of libido, bleeding gums and/or nose, the skin will easily bruise, edema, vomiting (with blood in vomit), muscle cramps, irregular breathing, accelerated heartbeat, personality changes, walking problems (staggering), and weight loss. As the liver no longer processes toxins properly there will be heightened sensitivity to medications and alcohol.

According to the NHS (National Health Service), UK, alcoholic fatty liver disease affects between 90% to 100% of heavy drinkers, approximately one in every four heavy drinkers eventually develops alcoholic hepatitis, and one in five of those with fatty liver disease will go on to suffer from cirrhosis.

Wednesday 4 July 2012

Alcoholic liver disease

 There are three types of liver disease that are caused by alcohol abuse. They are fatty liver, hepatitis, and cirrhosis. These illnesses can be avoided if one drinks occasionally, but if one is a frequent drinker or alcoholic, these diseases may be part of their future. Damage to the liver is of serious concern.

The liver provides a variety of functions for the body. The liver stores glycerin, processes fats and proteins, processes medicines, and produces bile. When you drink, the alcohol is absorbed into the bloodstream from the stomach and the intestines. Blood goes through the liver to be processed before it circulates through the body. Alcohol goes to the liver at the most concentrated level. Liver cells breakdown the alcohol, but can only process so much per hour. The more alcohol you drink the more it affects the liver. Small amounts of alcohol like one to two units a day will not have a detrimental effect on the liver, but more than that can. This is where fatty liver, hepatitis, and cirrhosis can occur.

A fatty liver occurs when a buildup of fat takes place in the liver cells. The fatty liver is the least serious damage that can be caused to the liver through alcohol. It can be reversed if alcohol consumption is lessened or stopped completely.

Alcohol hepatitis is a more serious disorder for the liver that happens with excessive alcohol consumption. Hepatitis is the inflammation of the liver and can be mild to severe. A mild form may not show any symptoms, but there may be a higher level of liver enzymes detected in the blood. If drinking continues, a mild case may become a sever one. Sever hepatitis can show symptoms of feeling ill, jaundice, generally feeling unwell, and pain in the area of the liver. And then there are the most severe symptoms that can lead to liver failure. The previous symptoms plus blood clotting problems, confusion, and internal bleeding can also occur and often lead to death. Alcohol hepatitis can be treated by not drinking and proper nutrition, but it cannot be reversed.

Alcohol cirrhosis is the final form of liver disease caused by excessive alcohol consumption. With this disease, liver tissue is replaced with scar tissue. The scarring takes place gradually. As the scarring occurs, the liver cells are damaged and die. This causes the liver to not be able to perform its functions for the body. One in every ten heavy drinkers will experience this disease. It begins to show its effects after about ten years of drinking. It often leads to end stage liver disease or liver failure. If it is caught at its early stages, it can be treated, but symptoms don't often appear until it is too late. The scarring that takes place can never be reversed.

It is important to be aware of the damage that can be caused to the liver from alcohol. Social or occasional drinkers will likely not experience these alcohol related liver diseases. Chronic or heavy drinkers can look forward to experiencing one or more of these ailments. Alcohol abuse will damage the liver, but addressing an alcohol problem can keep this from happening or lessen its effects.